ASPIRE aims to develop Certification courses for HCPs in the fertility and ART-related industry, especially in the Asia Pacific Region, who wish to acquire validation and achieve proficient standards that demonstrates their level of knowledge and skills. The courses are developed with a goal to close knowledge gaps and staying current with latest technologies and procedures in ART.

ASPIRE certification aims to certify competence of HCPs in the fertility and ART-related industry and strengthen standard of excellence.

The following certificate course(s) are offered at the moment:

NOTICE: Kindly note that the launch of this course will be postponed to May 2024. Final examination has also been rescheduled to May 2025. More information will be announced again.

The ASPIRE Certificate Course for Embryologists is designed to empower and elevate the professional status of embryologists and medical technicians. This program enables them to validate their expertise, commit to excellence, and enhance their standing in the field of embryology.

Target Participants:

  • Employed Embryologist / Medical Technicians / Andrologists
  • Trainee Embryologist / Medical Technicians / Andrologists
  • No minimum experience but possessed a Bachelor’s Degree holder

Discover the Basics: 4 Comprehensive Modules

Uncover the core principles through these four essential modules:

  • Module 1: Basic Cell Biology and Basic Embryology
  • Module 2: Male and Female Reproduction
  • Module 3: Basic Laboratory Procedures
  • Module 4: Andrology
Module # Module Title Module Outline and Learning Objectives
1 Basic Cell Biology and Basic Embryology This module explores core aspects of reproductive biology, including cell cycle regulation, apoptosis, and the intricacies of oogenesis and spermatogenesis.

  1. Cell Cycle, Mitosis and Meiosis, Checkpoints, Signals, and Control
  2. Cell-Cell Interaction-Membrane Receptors: Function, Type, Regulation; Signalling; Junction;
  3. Metabolism in the Mammalian Cell-Carbohydrates; Fats and Lipids; Proteins, Enzymes, Cytokines; Metabolic Pathways; Reactive Oxygen Species.
  4. Fundamental Principles of Molecular Biology-DNA and RNA Structure; Cellular Replication
  5. Apoptosis
  6. Oogenesis
  7. Spermatogenesis
  8. Fertilization
  9. Early Embryo Development
  10. Implantation
2 Male and Female Reproduction This module provides a comprehensive overview of male and female reproductive systems, covering anatomy, physiology, and infertility. Participants will explore evaluation techniques, ART treatments, and key clinical correlations. The course also addresses pubertal processes, menstrual cycles, ovarian stimulation, early embryo development, and prenatal diagnosis, offering a concise yet thorough understanding of reproductive health and its clinical implications.

  1. Anatomy, and Physiology of Male Reproductive System and Evaluation and Diagnosis of Male Infertility
  2. Anatomy and Physiology of Female Reproductive System
  3. Pubertal and Menstrual Cycle
  4. Basic Principles of Ovarian Stimulation
  5. Early Pregnancy Related With IVF
  6. Prenatal Diagnosis
3 Basic Laboratory Procedures This module provides a comprehensive overview of Basic Laboratory Procedures in Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART). Covering workstations, equipment, chemical handling, and advanced procedures like ICSI, participants will acquire essential skills for success in reproductive medicine. The course also emphasizes quality control, troubleshooting, and the latest advancements in ART.

  1. Introduction to Laboratory Equipment Part 1
  2. Introduction to Laboratory Equipment Part 2
  3. Culture Medias Part 1
  4. Culture Medias Part 2
  5. Introduction to Laboratory Consumables
  6. Oocyte Retrieval
  7. IVF Insemination
  8. ICSI Part 1
  9. ICSI Part 2
  10. Oocyte Quality Assessment
  11. Embryo Culture
  12. Embryo Grading and Embryo Selection
4 Andrology This module will allow participants to gain a comprehensive understanding of andrology and its clinical applications, including the assessment and treatment of male infertility. They will be equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to evaluate and manage male fertility disorders and to provide high-quality care to patients with male factor infertility.

Introduction to Clinical Andrology
Semen Analysis
Sperm Processing and Preparation for Therapeutic Uses
Sperm Cryopreservation, Storage, and Transportation
Severe Male Factor Infertility and Specimen Handling – Laboratory Aspects
New Technologies Including Sperm Chromatin Assessment


  • Participants can access course materials on the ASPIRE Educational Portal at their own time and pace.
  • At the end of each module, there will be an assessment to evaluate understanding and application of the content covered.
  • A final in-person examination will be conducted during the ASPIRE 2025 Scientific Congress in Singapore (1 – 4 May 2025). Upon achieving a passing grade, a prestigious certification will be awarded by ASPIRE.


Category Course Curriculum Final Examination
ASPIRE Members US$ 200 US$ 50
Non-Members US$ 300 US$ 100

Past Certificate Courses


护士,心理学家 ,辅导员,辅助生育的相关工作人员



# 单元 日期及时间 (GMT+8) 单元大纲 与 学习目标
1 单元一:辅导技巧基础概念 星期二


5pm – 6.45pm

主持人: Kelly Chang (台湾)/ 共同主持人: Astor Tse (香港)1. 基本辅助生育辅导技巧及沟通技能介绍
讲者: Crystal Hui (香港)2. 如何辨别需要生育辅导的患者:护理人员的专业角色与责任
讲者:Cassandra Irvin (澳洲)3. 实用辅助生育辅导的内容
讲者: Prof Li Tin Chiu (香港)4. 问答及讨论环节学习目标:
2 单元二:支持型辅导技巧 星期二


5pm – 6.45pm

主持人:Kelly Chang (台湾)|共同主持人:Abigail(台湾)1. 如何减轻ART疗程中的压力和焦虑
讲者:Helen Nicholson(纽西兰)2. 如何管理疗程多次失败后的沮丧
讲者:Denise Durham(英国)3. 流产和反覆流产— 压倒的最后一根稻草?
讲者:Celia Chan博士(香港)4. 问答及讨论环节学习目标:
3 单元三:影响型咨商和经验分享 星期二


5pm – 6.45pm

主持人: Astor Tse (香港)/ 共同主持人:Crystal Hui (香港)1. 配子捐赠相关辅导资讯
講者:Catherine Chung (香港)2. 领养及代孕相关辅导资讯
講者: Prof Uttara Chari (印度)3. 个案讨论及经验分享
主持人: Catherine Chung (香港)4. 问答及讨论环节学习目标:




1) 修毕证书

  1. 完全参加所有 3 个课程单元
  2. 每个课程都要完成一个预测验*和一个后测验*
  3. 每单元要完成一个期末考*,最低及格率为70%[允许两次尝试]



  • 精通中文
  • 持有护理/咨询的相关学位或文凭或证书
  • 目前在相关领域工作


  • 申请人的学位/文凭/护理/咨询证书的副本
  • 身份证明文件扫描
  • 咨询经理/临床主任的验证信
ASPIRE 会员:免费

非ASPIRE会员 :$50美元


2) 出席证明 证书是参加者出席的证明 出庭证明只提供给最少参加者50%的学员 ASPIRE 会员:免费

非ASPIRE会员 :$65美(每个模块)


模块 1: 注册
模块 2: 注册
模块 3: 注册

This course aims to introduce nurses, embryologists and IVF specialists to the fundamental elements of assisted reproduction and provides insight into the holistic care for patients undergoing ART and will be delivered via three webinars which will focus on the role of the IVF specialist, embryologist, and IVF nurse in the patient’s fertility journey

Overall Objectives:

  • Ensure participants are well trained and competent in the subspecialized field of fertility medicine
  • For participants to acquire counselling skills to support couples psychologically throughout the IVF journey
  • Enhance participants’ specialized knowledge on the pharmacology and embryology of human reproduction

Target Participants
Registered nurses, Junior doctor & Junior Embryologist.
There is no limit to the number of participants for the course.

*This course is supported with an unrestricted Education Grant by

Course Outline

# Module Title Date and Time (GMT+8) Modules Outline and Learning Objectives
1 Role of IVF Specialists – What Goes on During Consult? Tues, 21 Mar 2023

5pm – 6.45pm

Module Outline
1.    Causes of Infertility (Female) + Investigations – Anatomy & Pathology
2.    Causes of Infertility (Male) + Investigations – Anatomy & Pathology
3.    Pharmacology/Treatment Protocols
4.     Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of the module, participants will understand the basic concepts of anatomy, physiology and pharmacology to treat male and female infertility problem.
2 Role of Embryologists – What Goes on in the IVF Laboratory? Tues, 4 April 2023

5pm – 6.45pm

Module Outline
1.      Oocyte Retrieval, IVF/ICSI
2.      Embryo Culture, Embryo Transfer
3.      Cryopreservation
4.      Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of the module, participants will understand the procedure and techniques used in the IVF laboratory
3 Role of the IVF Nurse – What Is the Key in Patient Interaction Support? Tues, 18 April 2023

5pm – 6.45pm

Module Outline
1.      At Diagnosis: Pre IVF – The Nurse as the Couple’s Advocate
2.      During IVF Cycle
3.      Post IVF Support: Psychological Support and Counselling
4.      Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of the module, participants will have a deeper understanding of the function and responsibility of a IVF nurse
Type of Certifications Descriptions Criteria Price How to register
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of IVF education is satisfactory · Attend all the 3 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.

· Complete 1 pre-test* and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline

· Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.

Entry Requirements:

· The applicant should be proficient in understanding the webinar contents presented in English and answering the pre-test, post-test, and final exam.

The following documentation should be requested during the application:

· A copy of the applicant’s Bachelor’s Degree in medical, biological or natural science – English version


· A relevant degree or diploma or certificate in nursing/counselling and currently working in the relevant field (Practicing Nurses/ Registered Midwives / Registered Counsellors) – English version

· A copy/scan of your passport or ID

· Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae or short bio listing clinical ART experience and current job appointment(s).

ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 50


Registration Closed


2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course

Free for all 

Register via the respective links below:

Module 1: Registration closed
Module 2: Registration closed
Module 3: Registration closed

This intensive online Course is intended to provide participants with the core knowledge to set up a quality control system in an IVF laboratory in order to improve ART services.

This course is dedicated to create a detailed consideration of the physical and operational components of the contemporary ART laboratory, both materials and processes, viewed from the perspective of defining, developing, monitoring and improving quality.

What’s unique is that it’ll cover important components of the ART cycle and cover the Quality control component of that particular process in a detailed module. Given the diversity in facilities, operational philosophies and governing legal frameworks encountered worldwide in ART and also the wide variation in education, training, skill, experience and tenure of laboratory staff, and to top it all the continuing emergence of novel technologies and procedures, we feel that establishing an online course can help the ART practitioners in our region understand and develop the expertise required to run an efficient ART Laboratory in the Region.

Target Participants

Quality Management Managers, IVF Unit Managers, IVF Lab Managers, Chief Embryologists, Clinical Embryologists, Lab Technicians, Clinical Directors, IVF consultants and Auditors that have a basic understanding of the working of an ART laboratory and regulations that apply to ART laboratories in their country.

There is no limit to the number of participants for the course.

# Module Title Date and Time (GMT+8) Modules Outline and Learning Objectives
1 Laboratory set-up Sat, 21 January 2023

10am – 11.40am

Module Outline
1.     Background
2.     QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.     Benchmarking and KPI
4.    Is your lab ready for the action – validation and calibration in an IVF laboratory
5.     Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab
6.     Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of module, the participants should be able to describe basic concepts in quality management such as quality control (QC), assurance (QA), and improvement (QI); how to select KPI, analyse performance data, and utilize benchmarking to improve laboratory outcomes; as well as apply quality improvement by auditing and troubleshooting.
2 Oocyte Collection Sat, 4 February 2023

10am – 11.40am

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of module, the participants shall understand the concept of patient response to stimulation and number and quality of oocytes. The cell cycle, the stage of the oocytes at which insemination should be performed, oocyte grading system, as well as the timing of fertilisation check a pronuclei identification.
3 Sperm Preparation Sat, 18 February 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants should understand what sperm should be selected for insemination, and how to implement appropriate quality control and benchmarks. Furthermore, participants will understand the potential impacts in-vitro manipulation of sperm and how to mitigate these.
4 ICSI Sat, 4 March 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants should acquire or get updates on practical knowledge with the set-up requirements for an ICSI workstation; the technical aspects of ICSI; the physiology of fertilization by ICSI; the latest developments in improving the outcomes of ICSI as well as common challenges with ICSI as an effective treatment for male and non-male factors.
5 Embryo Culture Sat, 18 March 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants will obtain an in-depth understanding of various aspects of total quality management of embryo culture system.
6 Cryopreservation Sat, 1 April 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants will learn the basics of cryopreservation of oocytes and embryos, as well as quality control and benchmark procedures. Furthermore, in the discussion session, the participants can share tips and troubleshoot cryopreservation with the speaker.
7 Embryo Biopsy Sat, 15 April 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       QC and Procedures monitoring (includes documentation, checklists)
3.       Benchmarking and KPI
4.       When and how to audit
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants will learn technical requirements including: personnel, laboratory conditions and environment, laboratory equipment, all stages of examination procedures, results reporting and QA, along with quality policy, quality manual, document control, compliance with SOPs, risk management, continual improvement, audits and management review will be touched upon in this module.
8 Risk Management Sat, 29 April 2023

3pm – 4.40pm

Module Outline
1.       Background
2.       Staff Management (no. of staffs to have, staff training, staff QC etc, competency and evaluation)
3.       Abnormal event prevention
4.       Lab data management (Data collection, Lab KPI, staff KPI)
5.       Troubleshooting and Case discussion (includes SOP of respective lab)
6.       Q&ALearning Objectives
At the end of this module, participants shall understand the quality and SOP control parts of risk management, which include embryologist management, abnormal event prevention, lab data management, and SOP troubleshooting.
Type of Certifications Descriptions Criteria Price How to register
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of IVF is satisfactory · Attend all the 8 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.

· Complete 1 pre-test* and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline

· Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.

Entry Requirements:

· Applicant must have a basic understanding of the workings of an ART laboratory and the regulations and guidelines that apply to ART in their country.

· The applicant should be proficient in understanding the webinar contents presented in English and answering the pre-test, post-test, and final exam.

The following documentation should be requested during the application:

· A copy of the applicant’s Bachelors Degree

· An official English version or translation of your diploma

· A copy/scan of your passport or ID

· Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae or short bio listing clinical ART experience and current job appointment(s).

ASPIRE Members
USD 150 per course

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 250 per course


Registration closed


2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 65 per module 

Register via the respective links below:

Module 1:Registration closed
Module 2: Registration closed
Module 3: Registration closed
Module 4: Registration closed
Module 5: Registration closed
Module 6:Registration closed
Module 7: Registration closed
Module 8: Registration closed

This certificate course aims to introduce nurses to the fundamental elements identified as integral for nurses currently working in management roles or nurses who wish to progress their career and move into a management role.

Specifically, the course which will be delivered via three webinar modules will focus on Effective Leadership (various leadership styles and communication skills), Professional Development (career progression preparation, job appraisal and training and supervision) and Conflict Resolution.

# Module Title Date and Time (GMT+8) Modules Outline and Learning Objectives Target Participants
1 Effective Leadership Tues, 4 October 2022
5pm – 6.45pm

Module Outline

Chair: Ms. Megan Black (New Zealand)
Co-Chair: Ms. Nerizza N. Enriquez,MSN,RN (Philippines)

1. Exploring Different Style of Nurse Leadership/Management
Speaker: Ms. Marian T. Villanueva (Philippines)

2. Effective Communication
Speaker: Ms. Chiung-Wen Chang (Taiwan)

3. How to Be a Good Team Leader
Speaker: Ms. Carmel Carrigan (Australia)

4. Q&A Discussion

 Learning Objectives
Participants will be given the tools to understand the different types of leadership styles and how nurses of different leadership style can work together in a nursing team. This will be achieved via a pre-module leadership style quiz.

Registered nurses, nurse practitioners and Nursing managers


2 Professional Development


Tues, 18 October 2022

5pm – 6.45pm

Module Outline

Chair: Ms. Rebecca Moore (Australia)
Co-Chair: Ms. Muhsinah (Singapore)

1. Preparation for Career Progression
Speaker: Ms. Rebecca Moore (Australia)

2. Teaching & Supervision
Speaker: Ms. Lung Suet Yee (Hong Kong)

3. Job Appraisal
Speaker: Ms. Leita Fien (Australia)

4. Q&A Discussion

Learning Objectives
Participants will learn how to move forward in their nursing career and understand the tools required for their career development.

Registered nurses, nurse practitioners and Nursing managers


3 Conflict resolution Tues, 1 November 2022 5pm – 6.50pm

Module Outline

1. Conflict resolution
Speaker: Ms. Narelle Dickinson (Australia)

2. Teaching & Supervision
Speaker: Ms. Prajakta Hindlekar (India)

3. Panel Discussion

Learning Objectives
Participants will understand what is the main causes of conflict and how to resolve them.

Registered nurses, nurse practitioners and Nursing managers




Type of Certifications Descriptions Criteria Price
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of this course’s topic is satisfactory · Attend all the 3 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.

· Complete 1 pre-test* and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline

· Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.

Entry Requirements:

· Holds a relevant degree or diploma or certificate in nursing or equivalent

· Currently working in the relevant field (Practicing Nurses / Registered Midwives / Registered Counsellors)

ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 50

2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 65 per webinar 

This certificate course is designed to provide an update on the various counselling skills for nurse practitioners or counsellors involved in the practice of infertility & assisted conception.

This certificate course is supported with an unrestricted education grant by


# Module Title Date and Time (GMT+8) Modules Outline and Learning Objectives Target Participants
1 Basic Aspects & Information Counselling Tues, 14 June 2022
5pm – 6.45pm
Module Outline
: Ms. Joan Gordon Andrade (India)
Co-Chair: Ms. Kelly Chang (Taiwan)

1. Introduction to Basic Counselling & Communication Skills
Speaker: Ms. Crystal Hui (Hong Kong)

2. Identify Patients Who Needs Counselling: Role & Responsibilities of a Nurse Practitioner
Speaker: Ms. Cassandra Irvin (Australia)

3. Information Counselling – Nurse Counselling Prior to ART Treatment
Speaker: Professor Tin-Chiu Li (Hong Kong)

Learning Objectives
To understand the basic principle and practice of counselling in assisted conception, the special role of a nurse counsellor, and how the different methods of information counselling have evolved in clinical practice over the years.

Nurse practitioners, counsellors, psychologists or practice managers involved in infertility and assisted conception.
2 Supportive Counselling


Tues, 28 June 2022
5pm – 6.45pm
Module Outline
: Ms. Meghan Black (New Zealand)
Co-Chair: Ms. Muhsinah Aleem (Singapore)

1. Stress & Anxiety During the ART Journey – How to Reduce It
Speaker: Ms. Helen Nicholson (New Zealand)

2. Depression Following Repeated Treatment Failure – How to Manage
Speaker: Ms. Denise Durham (England)

3. Miscarriage & Recurrent Miscarriage – The Final Straw?
Speaker: Dr. Celia Chan (Hong Kong)

Learning Objectives
To understand the various sources of stress and depression encountered during the ART journey, how to recognise them at an early stage and how a nurse may provide effective support in daily practice

Nurse practitioners, counsellors, psychologists or practice managers involved in infertility and assisted conception.
3 Implication Counselling & Experience Sharing Tues, 12 July 2022
5pm – 6.45pm
Module Outline
1. Donor Gamete Donation Related Counselling
Speaker: Ms. Catherine Chung (Hong Kong)2. Acceptance, Adoption & Surrogacy
Speaker: Professor Uttara Chari (India)Learning Objectives
To understand the special need of patients considering donor gametes, adoption, surrogacy or acceptance and the social, legal and ethical implications for each of these special treatment options
Nurse practitioners, counsellors, psychologists or practice managers involved in infertility and assisted conception.


Type of Certifications Description Criteria Price
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of Counselling is satisfactory · Attend all the 3 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.
· Complete 1 pre-test and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline
· Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.

Entry Requirements:
· Holds a relevant degree or diploma or certificate in nursing or equivalent
· Currently working in the relevant field (Practicing Nurses / Registered Midwives / Registered Counsellors)

ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 50

2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 65 per webinar

This certification course aims to introduce the newly launched “WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 6th Edition” which was published in July 2021.

The course comprised of 6 webinar modules, which focus on the different chapters of the newest manual. The first 5 webinars are designed to cover the entire contents of the newest manual and the last webinar discusses the manual from the point of view of clinical applications and implications.

By explaining the information and recommendations provided by the newest edition, as well as elaborating in detail about the principles, techniques and protocols described in the newest edition, this certification course will give participants a better understanding of the sixth edition of the WHO manual.

This certificate course is developed by the ASPIRE Embryology Special Interest Group and Male Infertility Special Interest Group.

The attainment of this certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of the “WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 6th Edition” is satisfactory.


# Module Title Date and Time Modules Outline and Learning Objectives Target Participants
1 Introduction to the 6th Edition of the WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen Sat, 4 December 2021
1pm – 2.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chairs: Professor Chi Ling (Hong Kong) & Professor Gwo-Jang Wu

  1. Historical Background
    Speaker: Dr Haroon Latif (Pakistan)
  2. Overview of the New Manual
    Speaker: Professor Christopher Barratt (United Kingdom)
  3. Differences Between 5th and 6th Manual Editions
    Speaker: Professor De-Yi Liu (Australia)

Learning Objective
Participants will get the whole picture of the history and background of the sixth edition, and the character of this edition, as well as the differences between the sixth edition and the fifth edition.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), Clinic managers, Nurses, Geneticists, Genetic counsellors, and Researchers.
2 Semen Examination – Basic, Extended and Advanced Sat, 18 December 2021
6pm – 7.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chair: Dr Keshav Malhotra (India)

  1. Basic Examination
    Speaker: Professor Lars Björndahl (Sweden)
  2. Sperm DNA Fragmentation, Genetics and Genomic Tests
    Speaker: Professor Gwo-Jang Wu (Taiwan)
  3. Antibodies, Biochemical Assays, Sequence of Ejaculation, ROS
    Speaker: Professor Ashok Agarwal (USA)

Learning Objective
Participants will learn the basic, extended, and advanced semen examination methods in a clinical or research setting described in this newest manual.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), Geneticists, and Genetic counsellors.
3 Sperm Preparation Techniques

*This webinar is supported by

Sat, 8 January 2022
12pm – 1.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chair: Professor Gwo-Jang Wu (Taiwan)

  1. General Principles
    Speaker: Professor Chi Ling (Hong Kong)
  2. Common Techniques Used in the Laboratory
    Speaker: Professor Arthur Chang (USA)
  3. Special Samples (MACS)
    Speaker: Dr Keshav Malhotra (India)

Learning Objective
Participants will learn the basic principles, bench techniques and handling tricks of sperm preparation introduced by this newest manual.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), Geneticists, and Nurses.
4 Cryopreservation of Spermatozoa Sat, 22 January 2022
12pm – 1.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chair: Professor Arthur Chang (USA)

  1. General Principles
    Speaker: Professor Yuji Endo (Japan)
  2. Common Techniques
    Speaker: Dr Halil Ruso (Turkey)
  3. Special Samples
    Speaker: Professor Atsushi Tanaka (Japan)

Learning Objective
Participants will learn the general principles of sperm cryo-storage and common techniques of cryopreservation, as well as the management of special semen samples introduced by this newest manual.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), Geneticists, Clinic managers, and Researchers.
5 Quality Assurance and Quality Control Sat, 5 February 2022
3pm – 4.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chair: Dr Haroon Latif (Pakistan)

  1. QC and QA in Andrology Laboratory
    Speaker: Professor Arief Boediono (Indonesia)
  2. Errors and Troubleshooting in Andrology Laboratory
    Speaker: Dr Nelson Holiva (Saudi Arabia)
  3. Standardization and external quality control for semen analysis as exemplified by the German QuaDeGA system
    Speaker: Emeritus Professor Eberhard Nieschlag (Germany)

Learning Objective
Participants will learn how to set up a QC/QA system in an andrology lab, and how to prevent errors, how to perform troubleshooting, as well as how to set up a clinical andrologist training program described in this newest manual.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), Clinic managers, and Researchers.
6 Clinical Applications and Implications of the Revised WHO Semen Manual Sat, 19 February 2022
3pm – 4.30pm GMT+8
Module Outline

Chair: Dr Virgilio Novero (Philippines)

  1. A Laboratory Perspective
    Speaker: Professor Sally Catt (Australia)
  2. A Urologist’s Perspective
    Speaker: Dr Rupin Shah (India)
  3. A Fertility Specialist’s Perspective
    Speaker: Professor Atsushi Tanaka (Japan)

Learning Objective
Participants will acquire the shared information and experiences from speakers on how to implement the newest manual to clinical practice.

Lab, Physicians (REI/OB/GYN/Urology), and Genetic Counsellors.


Type of Certifications Description Criteria Price How to register
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of the “WHO Laboratory Manual for the Examination and Processing of Human Semen, 6th Edition” is satisfactory.
  • Attend all the 6 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.
  • Complete 1 pre-test and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline
  • Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.
  • Documents required for application:
    • A copy of the applicant’s highest obtained diploma in medical, biological or natural science [BSc, MSc, MD, MBBS, PhD, or DVM]
    • An official English version or translation of your diploma
    • A copy/scan of your passport or ID
    • Applicant’s Curriculum Vitae or short bio listing clinical ART experience and current job appointment(s).
    • The applicant should be employed in a clinical ART lab currently or within the past 24-months, and proficient in understanding the webinar contents presented in English and answering the pre-quiz, post-quiz, and final exam.

ASPIRE Members
USD 100

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 200

2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course

ASPIRE Members

Non-ASPIRE Members
USD 65 per webinar


This certificate course aims to help practising nurses in Asia-Pacific region to be updated on management of common problems encountered during early pregnancy. Specifically, it will help nurses working in IVF units understand how these problems are managed nowadays, how these problems may affect the monitoring of pregnancy arising from assisted conception, and the extra care required for women who are at risk of these complications.

This certificate course is supported with an unrestricted education grant by


# Module Title Date and Time Modules Outline and Learning Objectives Target Participants
1 Assessment of Early Pregnancy Tues, 8 Feb 2022
5pm – 6.45 pm (GMT+8)
Module Outline

Chair: Professor Budi Wiweko (Indonesia) | Co-Chair: Nurse Carmel Carrigan (Australia)

1. Hormone Measurements in Early Pregnancy
Speaker: Dr Duru Shah (India)

2. Ultrasound in Early Pregnancy
Speaker: Dr Sotirios Saravelos (United Kingdom)

3. How to Manage Threatened Miscarriage?
Speaker: Assistant Professor Tracy Law (Hong Kong)

Learning Objectives
– The endocrinology of implantation, the value of hCG & P measurement and how they change during pregnancy & following miscarriage, discriminatory level.
– Observations expected at different stages of early pregnancy, discriminatory level; TAS vs TVS; finding of haematoma & its prognostic value and pregnancy of unknown location
– How to advice patient with threatened miscarriage

Nurse practitioners in reproduction, gynaecology or obstetrics
2 Management (I) Early Pregnancy Complications Tues, 22 Feb 2022
5pm – 6.45 pm (GMT+8)
Module Outline

Chair: Dr. Madhuri Patil (India) | Co-Chair: Nurse Astor Tse (Hong Kong)

1. What Are Management Options in Confirmed Miscarriage?
Speaker: Dr Sylvia Choi (Hong Kong)

2. Ectopic Pregnancy – Diagnosis and Management
Speaker: Dr Virgilio Novero (Philippines)

3. Recurrent Miscarriage – Evidence-Based Investigation and Management
Speaker: Assistant Professor Chen Xiaoyan (China)

Learning Objectives
– Advantages for USS guided manual vacuum aspiration for delayed miscarriage
– Diagnosis and management of molar pregnancy, partial mole & molar degeneration
– Diagnosis and management option for Ectopic Pregnancy
– International guidelines and management of recurrent miscarriage

Nurse practitioners in reproduction, gynaecology or obstetrics
3 Management (II) Mid-Trimester Loss, Miscarriage Prevention & EPAU Tues, 8 Mar 2022
5pm – 6.45 pm (GMT+8)
Module Outline

Chair: Professor Rashida Begum (Bangladesh) | Co-Chair: Nurse Meghan Black (New Zealand)

1. Mid-Trimester Miscarriage
Speaker: Associate Professor Dee McCormick (Australia)

2. Prevention of Miscarriage
Speaker: Professor Tin-Chiu Li (Hong Kong)

3. The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Early Pregnancy Assessment Unit – UK Experience
Speaker: Professor Roy Farquharson (United Kingdom)

Learning Objectives
– Causes of mid-trimester miscarriages
– The extent to which miscarriage can be prevented
– Nurse practitioners’ role in early pregnancy assessment and training issues

Nurse practitioners in reproduction, gynaecology or obstetrics


Type of Certifications Description Criteria Price How to register
1) Basic Certificate of Completion This certificate validates that the recipient’s knowledge of Early Pregnancy Management is satisfactory • Attend all the 3 webinar modules and participate in at least 70% of the programme for each webinar module.
• Complete 1 pre-test and 1 post-test per module by the stipulated deadline
• Complete a final examination with minimum passing grade of 70% by the stipulated deadline. Two attempts will be given.Entry Requirements:
• Holds a relevant degree or diploma or certificate in nursing or equivalent
• Currently working in the relevant field (Practicing Nurses / Registered Midwives)
ASPIRE Members
FreeNon-ASPIRE Members
USD 50
2) Certificate of Attendance This certificate is a proof of attendance by the participant. Participant will have to attend at least 50% of each webinar in the certification course ASPIRE Members
FreeNon-ASPIRE Members
USD 65 per webinar